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Mary Lindsay
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Re: Coro

Post by Mary Lindsay »


I have just visited the Historic section of the Ten tenths web site and cannot see your contributions, which topics are you posting in? There is a lot to check..

I will rush out and buy MOG - maybe I won't...
Luckily I receive mine in the post.

If you write something for the Challenge web site I will be delighted to publish it.

Stay safe everyone and use this valuable time to work on your cars!

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Re: Coro

Post by SimonScott »

It seems the British Touring Cars are optimistic of a return to racing as they have published a new race calendar starting in August. :!: So maybe there is hope for a return to racing in 2020... :)
And if anyone becomes aware of a way I can get into a lockdown GP at Silverstone then please PM me. I haven't missed one since my first in 1977! Promise I will keep at least 2m from anyone... happy to sit quietly in a corner somewhere! :wink:
Formerly #64 - Class E 4/4 Sport Comp and Class R Lwt Roadster...
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Bob Bull
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Re: Coro

Post by Bob Bull »

Mary Lindsay wrote: Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:47 am Bobby,

I have just visited the Historic section of the Ten tenths web site and cannot see your contributions, which topics are you posting in? There is a lot to check..

I will rush out and buy MOG - maybe I won't...
Luckily I receive mine in the post.

If you write something for the Challenge web site I will be delighted to publish it.

Stay safe everyone and use this valuable time to work on your cars!

Mary, you should look for Bauble, (aka Bob Bull). Isolated Fun, Picture parade, Stirling Moss. Plenty marvel at.


Ace Photograp…… you know!
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Herewith alleged selected excerpts from the latest Sage meeting (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies)., discovered in an empty railway carriage from a train leaving Waterloo Station and revealing disturbing conversations and postulations at the highest level. In these strange times. one was led to believe such meetings were held utilising new fangled technology impervious to cyber hacking. Yet this has been bypassed with a momentary elementary human lapse in concentration.
Minister, I’m afraid there is good news and bad news.. Sorry. let me rephrase that, Its all bad news!
Apparently there are instances where you can have the virus but no symptoms whatsoever. But again there are instances where you can have the symptoms but not have the virus. Does that help clarify things? I’m sorry Minister. What was your question?

Yes Minister, it is perfectly acceptable to say things in public or in statements with or without varying degree of conviction, that you yourself do not understand The public at large cannot discern between fact, theory and Irony, witness Presi…..(on second thoughts perhaps best not to elaborate)…

The general public, at least those that vote, do not comprehend the vast effort we experts are engaged in modelling the outcome . Those that don’t vote will wonder where all the plasticine was hidden.

Figures, or, for that populace “Up North”, Numbers. They are either big, or very big, or not getting as big as first thought, but they could theoretically get even bigger if this persists. Should you quote numbers, then you are advised all cost to avoid certainty and attendant promises. The figures will be continually revised and updated and expose the previous calumnies.

Yes, other countries may have different experience and success rates dependent on alternative strategies. It may all be down to interpretation, or they know things that we don’t. Many do not have access to our financially listed companies who, amongst their pressing dividend deliberations have been urged to pee in the pot of scientific endeavour in fighting this pandemic. Remember also that many affected countries may be talking to a different population who may not be able to speak Chinese or English.
Sweden, in former times, a bastion of sexual liberty has taken an independent approach. (Mind you having lived through Scandinavian Winters i can fully understand why).

At this point in the record there is a request “This is not for minuting”. Not unusual in these and other Governmental meetings.

“But the real enemy is not the hidden mugger but the low down underhand scheming Media ( bxxxxxxs all of them). They will hold you to ridicule. Accuse you of manifest deception. Report the flavour of the day, irrespective of veracity. Create false or indeed fake news to bolster circulation or ratings. Please Remember your media response training. Never, never ever answer their questions. Always stick to your brief that we have carefully prepared irrespective of the topic. Avoid jocularities This is a serious situation (suspended football and closed pubs thereby nurturing a tranche of home alcoholics). No, speakeasy are not a solution.(at least not yet).

Further extracts.
Minister, Is it sound to keep throwing loads of dosh (note the use of the vernacular) that we are not sure we have at something that could go on forever?
In discussion there were numerous Quotes of Napoleon on war, you need money, money and money, On the other hand and elsewhere the Government has long practised “value base pricing”. For example the Dept of Health “Nice”, particularly in evaluating medicines. In effect is this not the same aa setting a price on human life? If we extrapolate this to a quantum of potential casualties do we arrive at a finite sum? Does this exceed what we have already commited?
Unfortunately the response here is redacted.

Yes Minister, the pandemic is indiscriminate, ageist, racist, Chinese whatever. it is a complete bugger.There are economic theories. Governance theories, scientific theories but sadly very few pandemic theories, Forget researching the Spanish Flu and European plagues. The world and medicine has changed. Now one can even order a prescription on line. Getting an appointment to see a medical practitioner can be problematical in some areas. However, on the whole the NHS and its employees delvers astounding service despite its financial and social constraints. Incontestable.

At this juncture there was apparently a comfort break and a raid on the biccies. No melodic improvisations. On resumption…

PPE., no, no, no Minister this could be a cause for confusion.. You yourself, many of your Advisors, Colleagues in Government, or those slumbering in a virtual Parliament, may have studied, with varying degrees of success , or attended tutorials on that very subject. This is, entirely different. The provision of appropriate protective clothing, is not the same as that as used to protect the dangly bits of these unfortunates working in our entirely safe atomic/nuclear establishments. However, although not for general dissemination there is an acute shortage of some items. Rest assured our highly regarded Mandarins are working on this, amongst other pressing Government procurement issues.

Minister, May we revert at a later date.?

Lockdown. Social Distancing. From one perspective this seemed at the time highly commendable, but not without its problems, not least on the future birth rate . After all, these are the ones who will feel the full burden of our present decisions

A final note recorded that all colleagues on this August Body (excluding the non scientific attendees otherwise known as Government Advisors however strangely dressed) are fully seized with the challenges faced by this pandemic. Inexplicably, Mr A, for one was somewhat perplexed to be invited to attend this and other meetings, Cobra included .He listed his qualifications as a theoretical Physicist with extensive research on string theory, before transferring and becoming visiting Professor in Loop Quantum Gravity and Covariant quantum Fields. His Invoice was redacted.

If some strange men visit you in relation to this security leak say you haven't read it.
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peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Further extracts from the Minutes, recovered from a cubicle in the Unisex toilets at Waterloo, including annotated scribblings on several sheets of Izal, somewhat illegible and incomplete.

Yes Minister there are indeed many other diseases and virus that affect large sections of the population and with significantly higher mortality rates. These have been largely confined to the African continent, or under developed Nations or remote parts of the Globe where they haven’t moved on from cuneiform-incised clay tablets. Here we are dealing with an outbreak in Westminster and as far away as Peckham, and even beyond.

There will inevitably be an enquiry when this is over and it would be wise to consider carefully any statements, recommendations, exhortations demands, Standing Orders that may subsequently prove to be open to misinterpretation. Keep it simple. Assume you are addressing a Kindergarten class. Even better a Commons Select Committee with the attention span of a Gnat or is it a goldfish? Whatever. Avoid pictures, they remind people of those dreadful adverts of animals and disfigured children by Charities on the terrestrial and satellite channels. No Minister, “adopt a Granny” , not a snow elephant won’t cut the mustard.

Avoid phrases that include “Decidedly, unquestionably, indubitably, incontrovertibly, and past all dispute.”. The minutes of this and other committees may well be released unless we can repeal the Freedom of Information Act. (the latter should not be entirely rule out). In this respect remember the Ideal Committee consists solely of a Chairman, and the minutes are written beforehand. A general rule is that you don’t write down what they said nor what they thought they’d said, you write down what they would have said if they’d thought [about] what they were saying. ((loud drumming on the table signalling approval).

Minister, “Organisation is the enemy of improvisation.”
However, left to their own devices is not a viable option.

Ah yes Minister the economic impact. Working from home could be construed as a contradiction in terms. Quantum Easing (at which point the physicist awoke) should have manifestly traceable and auditable benefits. Printing money a La Weimar Republic can lead to unfortunate consequences.

Appealing to a notional spirit of steadfastness (references to the Blitz , rationing, Winston etc) may not resound with certain sections or constituents.

It is not yet the end of ..

With regard to the Figures, sorry Numbers. Some members are not convinced on the daily update briefing. Additionally it is plainly disingenuous of the Media to infer that we had covertly disregarded or discounted the Aged and those living in Care Homes. The initial response was aimed at limiting the outbreak and minimising the spread not only of the virus but also fear and panic. (deleted references to the Cheltenham race meeting).

A Northern news agency reported plans to dig up Lords as a reserve mortuary. There will always be gallows humour but this is beyond the pale.

It was said that fake news is news that Mr trump doesn’t like.

Vaccines, testing and vaccination procurement and application is best left to the Armed Forces. Civil Servants ( in some departments a misnomer) should be left to run the country as they have always done.

Yes Minister. It is sound to maintain the mantra that Science leads the way and the light etc. It diverts attention and blame. Its record on contagious diseases is mixed. It claims success in eliminating smallpox worldwide except for a few samples held for research at Porton Down and in some cardboard boxes in a basement in the DOH in Victoria.

PPE Minister. I can report that we have secured extra consignments of masks, gloves, aprons and condoms. Hopefully Amazon will be instrumental in bringing forward the projected delivery date. Has anyone here got prime?.

When shall we meet again?

(this from the Physicist)
Virus Minister? I was asked to brief you all on Venus which is exceptional bright now.
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

No Minister!
Minutes of the last meeting and Agenda item 3.
PPE. Condoms? Yes Minister. Indubitably. The request came at the highest level. I have retained a copy and it quite specifically mentions prophylactics and given the circumstances and recent events .. well ahem!. Here Minister see for yourself, Masks, gloves, aprons and prophylactic..... the next word is badly smudged. However, I read Classics at Cambridge, modesty aside a double first, and i distinctly recall the moment when, in a guarded moment, my Tutor with "sotto voce"and becoming overly tactile explained the origin of the word from the Greek “prophulaktikos” and their use down the centuries and its modern equivalent.
Pardon.? Yes Minister the smudged word could possibly be *drugs”. Why do you ask?
You mean there are prophylactic Drugs???.Really? Prophylactic Drugs?? Drugs as well as condoms! Oh dear! There is a shipload of condoms from China arriving at Harwich this very day. Would you excuse me for a moment?
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

An Initial address by the Minister::

I will dispose with ever helpful albeit tedious HSE guidance for meetings. You all know where the exit door is situated.

Firstly, our thanks and congratulations to Mr. C who has been promoted and would appear to be brushing up on Greats or is it Classics(?) on a container ship bound for the Falklands, and all points south. (see previous minutes)

I was initially informed that his replacement was to be a highly qualified Scientist on secondment to the Ministry of Defence. Unfortunately his newly issued security pass and separate code entry card triggered a full scale emergency and a complete evacuation of all of Whitehall. The overstretched Police, Secret Service and Armed Forces insisted on a total Lockdown of all Foreign Embassies, much to the consternation of the Foreign Office. A Northern News Agency reported that there hasn’t been so many weapons visible to the Public at Large and on our screens since the days of the Krays and Richardson Gang.

Apparently, (and this is not for minuting or repeating outside of these confines) Mr D is. or rather was , only a British Subject and may have Arabian, or Pakistani or multifarious Middle Eastern antecedents.

Following on, may I introduce to the Committee Mr. E who is officially Third Assistant to the Chief Assistant in Section XXIV of the DOH which is currently charged with providing 100 thousand or so vaccines sometime, or by the end of whenever. He is of course a British Citizen and comes with high commendations from my old Headmaster.

Before tackling the business of the Day, there is an extremely serious matter which I must draw your attention to. Leaks and whistleblowing. Extracts from on our meetings have been given to the Press and Media and presented in an entirely negative manner and totally out of context*. Individuals have even been identified. You all have signed the Official Secrets Act, or should have. If not you can download it if you click on Gov/UK.

As consequence the Cabinet Office have ordered a root and branch review of all emails and telephone conversations of this and other Important Committees. ( At this juncture several members hurriedly left the room which the Minister took as an opportunity to break for Lunch). The Director of Communications will attend the next meeting and is fresh from his roasting from the Head of the Civil service.

Draft minutes:

Over Lunch, albeit with notably fewer participants, the Minister felt obliged to explain why we are still travelling and meeting communally when other sections are using modern technology. Apparently, two of our most respected and knowledgeable Scientists live in deepest Worcestershire where there is apparently no broad band and only intermittent telephone service. They also speak Wuhan dialect of mandarin.

The Minister commutes regularly from his Estate in the Scottish Highlands and every other month visits his constituency on the South Coast or is Wiltshire?

Other Ministers have received funding applications and representations from numerous sporting bodies (including Motorsport UK) seeking information on when and how the lockdown will be relaxed and allow a return to Normality. The Minister confided that the only reassurance and certainty given to date was to the Duke of F, and The Earl of of G, regarding the 12th of August.

No, No, No Minister! The number of Vaccines could be considerably bigger than a hundred thousand. The absolute figure, I mean number, will depend on just how many key politicians and artisans will need to be treated with the vaccine, and when and in what order. We are busy refine and drafting contracts and orders compliant with the latest European Community Legislation and State Aid.

*see 3 previous postings
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Good news for once. The Typing Pool of a Northampton based motorsport establishment have designed a super duper ventilator thingy to replace the current NHS Heath Robinson machines. It comes flat packed and, utilising surplus stocks of carbon typewriter paper, typpex corrector, pritt stick adhesive and paper clips it can be readily assembled in no time at all as will be demonstrated by a team of apprentices. It has wheels, so is portable, is turbo driven, and has some complicated kinetic recovery system that recycles the patients’ carbon dioxide. Its a tad noisy but you can’t have everything. It is not that economical but runs on a caffeine base isotonic liquid patented in Austria. Mr Ecclestone has been engaged by the Government to negotiate a licensing agreement and commercial rights.
The official launch will be in Westminster Abbey followed by a Gala dinner at the Ritz to raise funds for those impoverished drivers and staff stranded in Monaco. We are seeking a sponsor who will also have naming rights.
Im quite breathless
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Re: Coro

Post by TonyLees »

Am I allowed to say how proud I am of #5 son Henry? His firm is making mould tools for the above mentioned Merc breather-thingy :)
Leigh Sebba
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Re: Coro

Post by Leigh Sebba »

You are
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

leave aside the ventilator report. That balloon has been well and truly puctured.
However, Root out the smelling salts and the hankies.
Pepare for a shock. Who would have thought it? Who shoulda oughta?
Herr Vettel and the Scudera are parting company at the end of the 2020 system, provided it doesn’t run into 2021.
He probably won’t be living from hand to mouth.
Whats this to do with Coro? Naffall! This bombshell of news fell into my lap as I was researching “slugs and snails that eat ONLY dandelions”. The bxxxers in my garden and once pristine lawns are useless.
I am reduced to the role of factotum in the lockdown.
my guess is that Donington will be on. I will keep a respectful social distance on track.
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Re: Coro

Post by Leigh Sebba »

As a diversion I see that on Who wants to be a millionaire the £1m question was :

"Which of these iconic races was held first?"

A) Le Mans 24 Hours
B) Monaco Grand Prix
C) Indy 500
D) Isle Of Man TT.

Well Jeremy – I read recently in Historic Motoring News that Monaco Historics started late 90s and was to celebrate 50 years since the first Monaco GP so that would be late 1940s

And LM had Prudence in 30s and started sometime in 20s ? Certainly not seen Tony at LMC in his Edwardian car

As for the others - I’ll have to phone my friend Bob Bull who was probably there at the time, or else Simon Scott who is an expert on racing history
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Re: Coro

Post by Leigh Sebba »

Oops - looked at article again - Monaco was also 1920s
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: Coro

Post by Mary Lindsay »

Did the contestant get it right?
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Re: Coro

Post by SimonScott »

The contestant decided to take the half million as he wasn't sure... but when pushed afterwards he said he would have gone for the TT - which was the right answer (first held 1907). The Indy 500 is the next oldest (1911), then Le Mans (1923) with the new upstart being Monaco (1929). We do have a motorsport venue in England that is older than any of those and is still used regularly... :shock: Anyone know where? :?: No prize, just satisfaction! =D>
Formerly #64 - Class E 4/4 Sport Comp and Class R Lwt Roadster...
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