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New Insurance column in Miscellany

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:15 am
by Katy Thompson
Chaps and Chapesses,

please find below details of a request for help.......I'm pretty sure we can help as we're such a helpful bunch :)

MSCC Insurance


Following on from the Club Survey, carried out last year, we have been looking at ways of helping members on the ‘Insurance’ front and one of the main areas identified is that members are becoming more aware that ‘Price’ is not everything. Your insurance may be cheaper than one of your chums but members are beginning to realise that there could be a reason for this in that the respective policies are not ‘like for like’ and that their chum has, in fact, got a more comprehensive policy which actually represents better value.
We therefore advise, when obtaining insurance that members adopt our motto of:- Price / Value

This, of course, is easier said than done so to help members with their doubts or queries over Morgan related insurance we propose to start a monthly ‘Question & Answer’ column in Miscellany where members can send in their questions and one of our ‘preferred’ or regularly used insurers will provide their answer. Both question and answer will then appear in the magazine.

To get the column started is something of a ‘Chicken and Egg’ situation and what we need are questions from members regarding something that has happened in the past or information required for the future. We are, therefore, asking you to advertise this to your members and get them to send in their questions.

To do this we have set up a dedicated email which is:-

We feel that this column in Miscellany could be of significant benefit to Club members and your assistance in getting this up and running would be greatly appreciated.